New Week New Tan!
Hands up who needs to be BEAUTIFULLY BRONZED!! Whatever your preference, whether it's a Glitz & Glamour PROFESSIONAL AIRBRUSH TAN or you...
here for all your beauty needs
New Week New Tan!
Nourishing your mind, body and skin
Who’s all looking forward to a lazy mother’s day weekend?
Hands up who wants a whiter smile and revitalised skin?.. fast!
Valentines Day Inspired Nails
Glitz & Glamour will have those Eyebrows and Eye Lashes Looking FabuLASH
95% of wrinkles are due to sun exposure
Did you know?..
Positive Mind Strong Body Beautiful Skin
All Set for 2021 with renewed aspirations, positivity and gratitude.
Love yourself enough to live a healthy lifestyle!
Who doesn't love a DISCOUNT?!
It’s not hoarding if it’s SKINCARE
Thankyou for signing up to everything Glitz & Glamour
Nourish and revive dry skin
It’s Monday.. treat yourself